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Request a product sample from Irha Rice

Irha Rice assures you 100% premium quality rice but don’t go by our word and see the goodness and richness in our rice for yourself.

We offer samples for all products for collaborations with Wholesalers, Traders, B2B, Influencers, customers interested in our products as samples are a great way to test if we meet the requirement of your specific application.

If interested, fill out the sample request form below and our team will get in touch with you soon.

Please note: Samples will be supplied based on availability in inventory at the time of this request. However, the average the sample delivery time is 3-4 working days.

Select Product

Select Quantity

    STEP 1:

    Fill your details

    STEP 2:

    Get a call

    STEP 3:

    Collect your sample

    STEP 4:

    Taste your sample